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1. 肝实质细胞、肺干细胞等原代细胞的体外规模化扩增和细胞移植治疗。

2. 基于3D生物打印、自组装等技术,开展仿生器官制造研究。并开展仿生器官体内移植、药物开发应用。

3. 器官再生、再造过程中,细胞命运决定与转化的分子调控机制。


2021 天津市杰青 天津市科技局

2019 上海市自然科学一等奖(2/5 上海市人民政府

2017 上海市青年拔尖人才 上海市委组织部

2015 优秀青年基金 国家自然科学基金委员会

中国科学院优秀博士论文 中国科学院大学

2013 JSPS HOPE Fellow 日本学术振兴会(JSPS

2012 吴瑞奖 吴瑞基金会

2011 中国科学院院长特别奖 中国科学院


先进医用材料与医疗器械全国重点实验室  副主任

呼吸与危重症诊疗技术与器械教育部工程研究中心  主任

中国生物医学工程学会  常务理事

天津市细胞生物学会  副理事长

中国细胞生物学会细胞治疗研究与应用分会  副秘书长

Hepatobiliary Surgery and Nutrition 编委

Hepatology Communications  编委


2008.9 – 2013.8 中国科学院上海生命科学研究院生物化学与胞生物学研究所


2004.9 – 2008.6 华中科技大学

理学学士 (生物技术)、文学学士(英语)


2020.11 – 至今 中国医学科学院北京协和医学院生物医学工程研究所

PI, 研究员,博士生导师

2014.7 – 2020.10 上海科技大学


2013.9 – 2014.6 中国科学院上海生命科学研究院生物化学与细胞生物学研究所



1. 通过组织微环境信号,利用细胞自组装、3D生物打印等技术构建生物人工肝脏,并应用于体内移植治疗肝衰竭动物。通过构建3D打印肝癌组织,应用于肿瘤药敏筛查。(Cell Research, 2016; Gut, 2021; Biomaterials, 2021Advanced Science, 2024aAdvanced Science, 2024bScience Advances, 2024

2. 解析组织稳态维持、损伤修复和再生过程中, IGF-2、新型小RNA PIM1等信号分子调控细胞命运决定与转化的分子机制。通过开发体内基因编辑技术,应用于肝修复治疗。(Hepatology, 2017; EBioMedicine, 2017; Nature Neuroscience, 2018; Protein Cell, 2020; Cell Discovery, 2021; Cell Death Discovery, 2022; Nature Communications, 2022)。

3. 建立了将小鼠和人皮肤成纤维细胞直接诱导转分化为肝实质细胞的方法,提供了新的肝脏种子细胞来源(Nature, 2011; Cell Stem Cell, 2014)。



1. Deng, B.#, Ma, Y.#, Huang, J.#, He, R., Luo, M., Mao, L., Zhang, E., Zhao, Y., Wang, X., Wang, Q., Pang, M., Mao, Y., Yang, H.*, Liu, L.*, Huang, P.* Revitalizing Liver Function in Liver Failure Mice through Transplantation of 3D-Bioprinted Liver with Expanded Primary Hepatocytes. Science Advances, in press. (IF: 13.6)

2. Luo, M.#, Lai, J.#, Zhang, E., Ma, Y., He, R., Mao, L., Deng, B., Zhu, J., Ding, Y., Huang, J., Xue B., Wang, Q., Zhang, M.*, Huang, P.* Rapid SelfAssembly MiniLivers Protect Mice Against Severe Hepatectomy-Induced Liver Failure. Advanced Science, 2024, 2309166. (IF:15.1)

3. Sun, H., Sun, L.*, Ke, X., Liu, L., Li, C., Jin, B., Wang, P., Jiang, Z., Zhao, H., Yang, Z., Sun, Y., Liu, J., Wang, Y., Sun, M., Pang, M., Wang, Y., Wu, B., Zhao, H., Sang, X., Xing, B., Yang, H.*, Huang, P.*, Mao, Y.* Prediction of Clinical Precision Chemotherapy by PatientDerived 3D Bioprinting Models of Colorectal Cancer and Its Liver Metastases. Advanced Science, 2024, 11(2), 2304460. (IF: 15.1)


1. Xu, C.*, Huang, P.* Mitochondrial genome editing: Get aCcess to modeling broad disease mutations with engineered base editors. Molecular Therapy-Nucleic Acids, 2023, 32, 566-567. (IF: 8.8)


1. Yuan, Y. #, Wang, C. #, Zhuang, X. #, Lin, S., # Luo, M. #, Deng, W., Zhou, J., Liu, L., Mao, L., Peng, W., Chen, J., Wang, Q., Shu, Y.*, Xue, Y.*, Huang, P.* PIM1 promotes hepatic conversion by suppressing reprogramming-induced ferroptosis and cell cycle arrest. Nature Communications, 2022, 13(1), 5237. (IF: 17.694)

2. Li, Z., Wang, H., Zhu, J., Nan, N., Lin, Y., Zhuang, X., Li, L., Zhang, Y.*, Huang, P.*, Inhibition of TWEAK/Tnfrsf12a axis protects against acute liver failure by suppressing RIPK1-dependent apoptosis. Cell Death Discovery, 2022, 8, 328. (IF: 7.109)


1. Wang, H.#, Huang R.#, Li L.#, Zhu, J., Li, Z., Peng C., Zhuang, X., Lin, H., Shi, S.*, Huang, P.*, CPA-seq reveals small ncRNAs with methylated nucleosides and diverse termini, Cell Discovery, 2021, 7 (1):1-16.  (IF: 38.079, Google Scholar Citation: 11)

2. Xie F., Sun L., Pang Y., Xu G., Jin B., Xu H., Lu X., Xu Y., Du S., Wang Y., Feng S., Sang X., Zhong S., Wang X., Sun W., Zhao H., Zhang H., Yang H.*, Huang P.*, Mao Y.*, Three-dimensional Bio-printing of primary human hepatocellular carcinoma for personalized medicine. Biomaterials, 2021,265:120416 (IF: 15.304, Google Scholar Citation: 31)

3. Yang, H.#, Sun, L.#, Pang, Y.#, Hu, D.#, Xu, H., Mao, S., Peng, W., Wang, Y., Xu, Y., Zheng, Y., Du, S., Zhao, H., Chi, T., Lu, X., Sang, X., Zhong, S., Wang, X., Zhang, H., Huang, P.*, Sun, W.*, Mao, Y.*, Three-dimensional bioprinted hepatorganoids prolong survival of mice with liver failure, Gut, 2021, 70(3):567-574. (IF: 31.793, Google Scholar Citation: 58)

- 入选ESI高被引论文


1. He, B.#, Peng, W.#, Huang, J.#, Zhang, H., Zhou, Y., Yang, X., Liu J., Li, Z., Xu, C., Xue M., Yang, H.*, Huang, P.*, Modulation of metabolic functions through Cas13d-mediated gene knockdown in liver, Protein Cell, 2020; 11(7):518–524 (IF: 14.870, Google Scholar Citation: 37)


1. Huang, P., Sun, L., Zhang,L., Hui, L. Conversion of Fibroblasts to Hepatocytes In Vitro, Hepatic Stem Cells, Humana Press, New York, NY, 2019. (Book Chapter; Google Scholar Citation: 5)


1. Zhou, H.#, Liu, J.#, Zhou, C.#, Gao, N.#, Rao, Z.#, Li, H.#, Hu, X., Li, C., Yao, X., Shen, X., Sun, Y., Wei, Y., Liu, F., Ying, W., Zhang, J., Tang, C., Zhang, X., Xu, H., Shi, L., Cheng, L., Huang, P.*, Yang, H.* In vivo simultaneous transcriptional activation of multiple genes in the brain using CRISPR-dCas9-activator transgenic mice. Nature Neuroscience, 2018: 21, 440-446. (IF: 21.126, Google Scholar Citation: 170)

- 入选ESI高被引论文

2. Yao, X., Wang, X., Liu, J., Shi, L., Huang, P.*, Yang, H.*, CRISPR/Cas9-mediated targeted integration in vivo using a homology-mediated end joining-based strategy. Journal of visualized experiments, 2018(133). (Google Scholar Citation: 15)

3. Wang, L.#, Zhou, Y.#, Dai, J.#, Jiang, S.#, Lu, Y., Sun, M., Gong, J.*, Huang, P.*, Yao, Y.* 2-Thiophene ethylamine modified hyaluronic acid with its application on hepatocytes culture, Materials Science and Engineering:C, 2018; 88. (Google Scholar Citation: 26)

4. Huang, P.*, Chen, Q., Generation of Hepatocytes by Transdifferentiation, Stem Cells and Cancer in Hepatology, edited by Yun-Wen Zheng, Elsevier, 2018 (Book Chapter)


1. Liu, J.#, Hu, X.#, Chen, J.#, Li, X., Wang, L., Wang, B., Peng, W., Yang, C., Li, Z., Chen, Y., Wang, Y., Li, C., Li, X., Yan, F., Wang, Y., Shang, C., Wang, X., Chen, T.*, Huang, P.* Pericentral hepatocytes produce insulin-like growth factor-2 to promote liver regeneration during selected injuries in mice. Hepatology, 2017; 66(6), 2002-2015. (IF: 14.079, Google Scholar Citation: 17)

- Faculty of 1000推荐

2. Yao, X.#, Wang, X.#, Liu, J.#, Hu, X., Shi, L., Shen, X., Ying, W., Sun, X., Wang, X., Huang, P.*, Yang, H.* CRISPR/Cas9-mediated precise targeted integration in vivo using a double cut donor with short homology arms. EBioMedicine. 2017; 20, 19-26. (Google Scholar Citation: 64)


1. Huang, P., Li, B., Zheng, Y., Role of stem cells in the gastrointestinal tract and in the development of cancer. Stem Cells in Toxicology and Medicine, edited by Sahu SC, John Wiley & Sons, 2016 (Book Chapter)

2. Shi, X.#, Gao, Y.#, Yan, Y.#, Ma, H.#, Sun, L.#, Huang, P.#, Ni, X., Zhang, L., Zhao, X., Ren, H., Hu, D., Zhou, Y., Tian, F., Ji, Y., Cheng, X., Pan, G.*, Ding, Y.*, Hui, L.*, Improved survival of porcine acute liver failure by a bioartificial liver device implanted with induced human functional hepatocytes. Cell Research, 2016; 26:206-216. (Google Scholar Citation: 109)


1. Huang, P.#, Zhang, L.#, Gao, Y.#, He, Z.#, Yao, D., Wu, Z., Cen, J., Chen, X., Liu, C., Hu, Y., Lai, D., Hu, Z., Chen, L., Zhang, Y., Ma, X., Pan, G., Wang, X., Hui, L. Direct reprogramming of human fibroblasts to functional and expandable hepatocytes. Cell Stem Cell, 2014; 14(3):370–84. (Google Scholar Citation: 481)

- Cell Stem Cell发表评论.

- Faculty of 1000推荐.

- 入选美国细胞出版社“2014中国年度论文”.

1. Huang, P., He, Z., Ji, S., Sun, H., Xiang, D., Liu, C., Hu, Y., Wang, X., and Hui, L.* Induction of functional hepatocyte-like cells from mouse fibroblasts by defined factors. Nature, 2011; 475(7356):386-9.
(Google Scholar Citation: 895)

- Cell Stem Cell, Hepatology等学术期刊发表评论.

- Cell, Nature News, Nature Biotechnology等学术期刊和媒体报道.

- Faculty of 1000推荐.

- 入选科技部评选的“2011年中国十大科学进展”.

- 入选ESI高被引论文


1. Huang, P., Han, J.*, and Hui, L.* MAPK signaling in inflammation-associated cancer development. Protein Cell, 2010; 1, 218-226. (Google Scholar Citation: 224)

#co-first author; * corresponding author


王晓莉,副研究员, 天津大学化学工艺工学博士,代表论文Biomaterials等。

张兵芳,副研究员,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所生物地磁学专业理学博士,代表论文 Nature Communications等。

马越,助理研究员,中山大学物理学理学学士,日本同志社大学生物医学工程与生物医学信息专业工学博士,京都大学博士后,代表论文Science Advances等。


赵媛媛,博士后,清华大学生物学博士,代表论文 Advanced Science等。






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